Makes 5 pints of carrot and daikon mixture and 1 pint of pickled jalapénos.

In every culture, there's some sort of pickling or fermented sides that accompany the main meals. Pickled and fermented foods are packed with probiotics and great for our health! Not to mention the longevity of pickled and fermented foods. As long as you use clean utensil to remove portions to be consumed, these foods can lasts for long time in your refrigerator through cold process brining! I make pickle daikon and carrots to eat with Vietnamese dishes. And put jalapénos on top of everything I eat!

2 cups of white vinegar
1 cup of apple cider/rice vinegar
2 cups water
1.5 cups sugar
2 tsp salt
2 lbs carrots julienned
2 lbs daikon julienned
1 lb jalapénos sliced
Extra salt on side (any type)
"I make pickle daikon and carrots to eat with Vietnamese dishes. And put jalapénos on top of everything I eat!"
Add brine liquids and sugar into a pot and simmer till sugar dissolves. Simmer for 5 additional minutes. Let cool.
While brine is cooling down begin prepping veggies.
Julienne carrots and daikon. Place them in a large bowl and sprinkle salt to coat them. Toss well occasionally for 1-hour.
When they are pliable and you can bend them without snapping them, they are ready to be rinsed and placed into pickling jars. Rinse well to get rid of the salt and then drain well. I let my sit in the strainer for a bit to finish draining.
Place them into jars/bottles. Pack them nice and moderately tight. I’ve layered mine to create an aesthetically pleasing look. Cover with cooled liquid brine mixture to the top.
Slice jalapénos thinly and place directly into your jar. Does not need to be prepped in any way. Cover them with brine liquid completely.
Two ways to let them ferment: (1) leave at room temperature overnight and then refrigerate or if you are patient and don’t need to eat right away, (2) ferment in the fridge for 3 days and then consume.
Use clean utensils to remove the portions you want to eat. So that you don’t contaminate the jars, then the pickled veggies will last for several months in the back of your fridge. Bon Appétit!
Would work on cabbage as well? Like the ones on the restaurants rice dish.