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Exploring restaurant style cooking at home! And a desire to make/create things with my own hands!

Deana Thai
Nov 25, 20202 min read
Airfry Vietnamese Bánh Patê Sô
Instant Vortex Aryfryer Recipe Buttery flaky pastry with a deliciously savory stuffing that melts in your mouth! Pairs well with a shot...
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Deana Thai
May 26, 20204 min read
Deana's Vietnamese Baguettes Banh Mi
During my research a couple years ago on how to make banh mi; I was surprised to learn that it required a water bath for part of the baking
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Deana Thai
May 17, 20203 min read
Deana’s Brioche Corn Cheesy Bread
The sweet tangy flavor of the corn cheese filling compliments the savory sweetness of this bread. I hope you enjoy my version of this deligh
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Deana Thai
May 10, 20203 min read
Deana’s Beef Stuffed Pancakes
There’s something about bread and meat! In many different cultures, we can find some sort of stuff buns. They are steamed, baked, pan fried
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Deana Thai
Apr 27, 20202 min read
Deana’s Vietnamese Bánh Patê Sô
Bánh Patê Sô is a savory Vietnamese meat pie based off of the French Pâté Chaud. Fillings vary from one family recipe to the next
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